Some dogs really like to eat string. It’s not unusual to come home and find that your dog has eaten your shoelaces, the other end of your shoelaces, or even the loose threads from the armrest of your couch!
And it’s not surprising given that string is such a common household item. So what happens when you find your dog has eaten parts of its favourite new string toy?
Can dogs eat string?
We’ve been told, I saw my dog eating some string and he seemed to be okay!
It’s true, sometimes dogs will accidentally ingest pieces of thread, yarn or other thin threads without suffering any adverse effects.
But there are many reasons why you should avoid giving your dog something like this.
First off, there are more dangers lurking in strings than just ingestion. String could be wrapped around the paw of your dog and cause significant injury as they walk or run around on it- this type of wound would require vet care and may have a chance of becoming infected if left untreated.
Eating string can cause severe intestinal blockages and even death in dogs, so it’s best to keep string out of reach, especially if you have a dog who likes to munch on it.
What happens if my dog eats string from one of their toys?
Aside from the above side effects of dogs eating string generally, it can be even worse for your dog consumes large quantities.
If your dog ingests string, the foreign body could become entangled around his intestines, which could lead to a life-threatening condition called an intestinal blockage. If you think your dog has eaten string, call your veterinarian immediately.
String can’t be digested, so it will pass through your pet’s system whole. If the string doesn’t cause problems on its own, it can still tangle with other things in there and cause blockages or infection if not taken care of right away. To prevent a mess or any problems for your pup, always keep him on a leash when he’s outside so he doesn’t get into trouble by going off to explore.
What is string?
String is a type of thread or cord that is typically made from twisted or braided fibers. It’s often used in sewing, crafting, and other similar activities.
While string itself is not harmful to dogs, it can pose a choking hazard or digestive issues if your dog swallows it.
If you’re concerned that your dog may try to eat string, be sure to keep it out of reach and supervise them closely when they’re around it – especially dog toys made from string.
What happens if my dog eats too much String?
In most cases, if your dog consumes a very small amount of string, they should be fine. Still, if your dog ingests string, it’s important to monitor them for the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and gas.
If your dog ate string, watch for signs of gastrointestinal distress and contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns. If your dog ate a small amount of string, they may be able to pass it without any problems.
However, if they ate a large amount or if the string is wrapped around something else in their stomach, they may need surgery to remove it. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you think your dog has eaten a significant amount of string or is showing concerning symptoms.